An undertaking like LuxCoreRender is the sum of hundreds of people sharing their knowledge in computer graphics papers, books, websites, university courses etc. Among all these people, LuxCoreRender started particularly thanks to all involved in the development of LuxRender v1.x, to Matt Pharr and Greg Humphreys and their excellent book and project. We are LuxRender v1.x’s child and PBRT’s grandchild.
LuxCoreRender v2.x
Name (Country) | Nickname | Roles |
David Bucciarelli (IT) | Dade | Project Coordinator C++/OpenCL/CUDA LuxCoreRender Engine Developer |
Simon Wendsche (DE) | B.Y.O.B. | Main Blender Addon Developer |
Michael Klemm (DE) | neo2068 | Blender Addon Developer |
Peter Sandbacka (FI) | Piita | Artist and Wiki Author |
Charles Nandeya Ehouman (CI) | Sharlybg | Artist and LuxCore Tutor |
Alessandro Castagnini (IT) | acasta69 | Windows Package Maintainer |
Gregor Quade (DE) | u3dreal | MacOS Package Maintainer |
Omid Ghotbi (FR) | TAO | MaxToLux Developer |
LuxRender v0.x and v1.x
Name (Country) | Nickname | Roles |
Jean-Philippe Grimaldi (FR) | jeanphi | Project Coordinator C++ LuxRender Engine Developer |
Jean-Francois Romang (FR) | Jromang | C++ LuxRender Engine Developer |
Tom Bech (NO) | Tomb | C++ LuxRender Engine Developer |
Peter Bienkowski (PL) | Zcott | C++ LuxRender Engine Developer |
David Bucciarelli (IT) | Dade | C++ LuxRender Engine Developer |
Thomas De Bodt (BE) | Lotuspec | C++ LuxRender Engine Developer |
Anir-Ban Deb (IN) | Adeb | C++ LuxRender Engine Developer |
Asbjørn Heid (NO) | Lord Crc | C++ LuxRender Engine Developer |
Liang Ma (CHN) | MLJack | C++ LuxRender Engine Developer |
Thomas Ludwig (NZ) | lycium | C++ LuxRender Engine Developer |
Ricardo Lipas Augusto | Ratow | C++ LuxRender Engine Developer |
Shakti Prasad Misa | SMISRA | C++ LuxRender Engine Developer |
Patrick Johnston (AU) | paco | C++ LuxRender Engine Developer |
Károly Zsolnai (HU) | zsolnai | C++ LuxRender Engine Developer |
David Washington (USA) | Carbonflux | GUI contributor |
Terrence Vergauwen (BE) | Radiance | former Project Coordinator |
Matt Pharr (USA) | PBRT Sourcecode & Book Author | |
Greg Humphreys (USA) | humper | C++ LuxRender Engine Developer PBRT Sourcecode & Book Author |
Jens Verwiebe (DE) | jensverwiebe | OS X maintainer |
Pascal Aebischer (CH) | zuegs | LuxBlend Developer |
Campbell Barton (AU) | ideasman42 | LuxBlend Developer |
Vlad Miller (RU) | SATtva | LuxBlend Developer |
Ian Blew (USA) | binarycortex | LuxBlend Developer |
Jason Clarke (USA) | JtheNinja | LuxBlend Developer |
Michael Klemm (DE) | neo2068 | LuxBlend Developer |
Michael Gangolf (DE) | Miga | LuXSI Developer |
Guillaume Plourde (CA) | PerPixel | LuxMax Developer |
Stig Atle Steffensen (NO) | Hedphelym | LuxMax Developer |
Omid Ghotbi (FR) | TAO | LuxMax Developer |
Marcus Spranger (NZ) | abstrax | LuxC4D Developer |
Mimmo Briganti (IT) | mimhotep | SU2LUX Developer |
Alexander Smirnov (RU) | exvion | SU2LUX Developer |
Luke Friske | lfrisken | SU2LUX Developer |
Dom Coco (FR) | dco | LuxMAYA Developer |
Doug Hammond (UK) | dougal2 | Exporter and Integration Developer Website maintainer |
Abel Groenewolt (NL) | Abel | Documentation Coordinator |
Patrick Walz | patrickwalz | LuxRender Developer |
Simon Wendsche (DE) | B.Y.O.B. | LuxBlend Developer |